10x Your Web Visitors and Sales with Pro Cannabis and CBD Content Writing

cbd content writing

You got into the hemp business to make money. And there is money to be made. In fact, projections indicate that the cannabis industry’s earnings will exceed $60 billion in 2024. If you want a sweet chunk of this pie, it’s time to invest in cannabis and CBD content writing.

What Is Cannabis and CBD Content Writing?

Cannabis and CBD content writing involves crafting articles or other written content for brands within the cannabis industry. Depending on your business goals, you can ask a cannabis content writer to create articles to:

  • Educate consumers about cannabis or hemp-derived products
  • Promote your products or brand
  • Generate interest in your brand
  • Establish your brand as a reputable authority within the cannabis industry

The Benefit of Cannabis/CBD Content Writing

Your hemp business’ prospective customers perform online searches to find products like yours or ask cannabis-related questions. The websites with the best answers to cannabis-related search queries will enjoy a flood of organic traffic. If your website can get such traffic, you can convert web visitors into leads and shoppers.

For example, the below screenshot shows how many people use the search query “buy CBD oil” monthly – over a thousand.

If your website sells CBD oil, and you can get just 10% of these searchers to visit your website monthly, that gives you hundreds of visitors and potential customers monthly. Now imagine having tens of posts attracting such customers monthly in equal numbers. That’s good business, and you can make this happen. The most effective way to do it is with hemp/cannabis/CBD content writing for your website.

A CBD content writer will create content that responds to the queries of search engine users interested or curious about cannabis products. The content will appear in search engine results and funnel searchers to your website where they can discover your products and shop.

Are Cannabis, CBD, Marijuana, and Hemp Writer the Same Thing?

Firstly, even though many people use cannabis, CBD, marijuana, and hemp interchangeably, they don’t mean the same thing. Cannabis is the plant grown and harvested to create the products we enjoy. A cannabis plant may be a hemp or marijuana plant.

According to the 2018 Farm Bill, hemp are cannabis plants that contain less than 0.3% THC, while marijuana are cannabis plants with over 0.3% THC. THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is the cannabis compound or cannabinoid that gets you high.

cbd content writing

Source: Superior Supplement Manufacturing

CBD (Cannabidiol), on the other hand, is a cannabis compound with multiple health benefits, such as reducing inflammation and improving appetite and sleep. Unlike THC, CBD can’t get you high. So, using a CBD product with less than 0.3% THC is an excellent way to enjoy the benefits of cannabis plants without worrying about breaking the law, failing a drug test, or getting high.

Other commonly discussed and sold cannabis-derivatives are HHC, THCa, HHCP, CBN, and CBG. Each product has its unique benefits and effects on the body.

Some businesses specialize in selling products that primarily contain one cannabis-derivate. For example, BakedHHC.com specializes in HHC products, while TheHempDoctor.com sells THCa, THC, CBD, CBN, and other hemp products.

A brand like BakedHHC may want a writer that specializes in HHC content. On the other hand, TheHempDoctor that sells various hemp products will prefer a writer familiar with various cannabinoids.

In a nutshell, a hemp brand may hire a writer that specializes in CBD content writing if their business is primarily CBD products. However, widely experienced writers, such as myself, can write about any hemp product. So, if you sell, produce, or market any cannabis or hemp-derived products, my content writing service can boost your website’s visibility and domain authority.

In the U.S, the 2018 Farm Bill legalized the production, sale, and consumption of hemp products with less than 0.3% THC. This is a federal law that applies throughout the country. However, since America is a federation, each state has a degree of autonomy that lets them institute laws for their territories.

Some states, like Nebraska, have laws that illegalize all sale or use of cannabis, contradicting the Farm Bill. Other states, such as California and Arizona, go beyond the Farm Bill, legalizing the use of hemp and marijuana products.

cbd content writing

Source: DISA

While the legality of cannabis and cannabis-derived products varies between states, cannabis and CBD content writing aren’t illegal. However, since cannabis and CBD laws differ between states, be sure to check your state’s laws regarding marketing cannabis products. Some states have restrictions on how businesses can advertise cannabis products, such as rules regarding labelling.

For example, California prohibits cannabis marketing content that targets under 21-year-olds. So, if your California weed dispensary website publishes content that targets minors, you could get into trouble. Also, the FDA strongly frowns upon content that makes false or misleading claims about CBD treating or preventing diseases.

Why Does Your Cannabis or CBD Brand Need Content Writing? 

cannabis content writing

Source: Statista

By 2017, the U.S. already had about 28,000 registered cannabis businesses. The number of businesses dabbling in cannabis and hemp-derived products have only risen since then.

Your cannabis brand or business can’t set itself apart from its hoard of competitors without good content. Content that showcases your quality, resonates with your target audience, and reveals your excellent products. This is where cannabis content writing steps in.

Cannabis or CBD content writing provided by an expert is an excellent tactic for promoting your brand and bringing it to the attention of more people. For example, articles that explain and demonstrate the benefits of your product will show readers your product can improve their lives. You can also publish articles that explain how to use your product, which is excellent for getting new customers to try your product.

A cannabis or CBD content writer will explain your website content options when you seek their services. They will then devise a content strategy that maps out how they’ll write and publish content tailored to help you achieve your business goals.

Another reason to choose a pro for cannabis or CBD content writing is search engine optimization (SEO). A professional cannabis content writer knows the best SEO tactics to implement when crafting content. Implementing such tactics increases the likelihood of your content appearing in your target audience’s search results.

What Can a CBD Content Writer Do for You?

To help you better understand how cannabis or CBD content writing can benefit your hemp business, here are valuable things a content writer can do for you.

1. Help You Understand Your Target Audience

Well-written CBD content catches the reader’s eye and engages them by providing valuable information. You can’t attract and engage a reader if you don’t understand who they are and what they want and like.

CBD content writing professionals perform market research to understand a cannabis business’ target audience. Understanding your target audience allows the writer to ideate content that will get the audience’s attention.

It also lets the writer craft the content with a tone and style that’s guaranteed to keep the reader engaged while consuming your content. Lastly, knowing your target audience equips a CBD content writer to create content packed with the information the readers want and value.

In summary, a CBD content writing pro handling your content will help you identify who your target audience is. Without this, CBD content writing that attracts, engages, and converts readers becomes a game of chance with inconsistent results.

2. Boost Your Visibility and Reach

Every cannabinoid consumer or enthusiast is happy to learn new ways to enjoy their favorite hemp products. They also seek new insights into how cannabis products can improve their quality of life. CBD content writing can turn your website into the go-to resource for such information.

A cannabis/CBD content writing pro will perform keyword research that reveals the questions consumers ask about hemp products. They then write content that answers those questions and search optimize the content. This tactic ensures that when next consumers enter their questions into Google, your website content will provide the answers.

So, imagine if 2,000 people search for “what is CBD?” monthly, and your content appears at the top of Google search results for this query. Your website could receive a nice chunk of those searchers monthly, boosting your brand and website visibility and reach.

If you can get a significant number of visitors and turn them into repeat visitors, your reach and visibility will spread even further. This will occur as your website visitors start talking about your content and introducing others to it through shares, referrals, and word of mouth.

3. Create Content that Gets Target Audience Attention

Experienced cannabis content writers know how to craft hard-to-ignore headlines and content. Unignorable content increases the likelihood of users opening your content when they see it in search results or elsewhere. This will boost your CTR (click-through-rate), improving your organic traffic and domain authority.

As part of my CBD content writing service, I provide metadescriptions, featured images, headlines, and intros that hook readers and lure them in.

4. Drive Traffic to Your Website

Is a website worth the effort or hosting fees if it’s not getting traffic? The consensus is no. Several options are available for generating website traffic, such as paid ads and content distribution. However, nothing beats organic traffic through search engine optimization (SEO).

Unlike other traffic generation tactics that stop generating traffic once you stop them, a search optimized content can bring in fresh traffic years after initial publishing. A CBD content writing pro knows the tricks for crafting such content to generate traffic for your website.

Besides being satisfactory, increased organic traffic generates fresh leads for your hemp website. New visitors will see your content, poke around, and happily purchase products they like. I make this happen with content that attracts and appeals to consumers with commercial search intent.

Searchers with commercial intent are already primed to make a purchase. They just need your content to help them decide what to buy.

5. Establish Your Brand as an Authority

Google wants to provide its users with trustworthy content that best answers their questions. The search engine considers several factors to pick the most credible web pages to display in a search result. Two of the biggest factors are content quality and domain authority (DA).

Quality content answers a search engine users’ search query, providing valuable, accurate, and useful information. However, even if you craft the best quality content, it still might not rank highly if your domain authority is low.

If your hemp website’s domain authority is low, a CBD content writing pro can help you get it up. For example, I can do this by consistently publishing high-quality content on your website. Another strategy for boosting web authority is link building, specifically backlink building.

Backlink building involves getting higher authority websites to link to your pages. Doing so will syphon some of the high authority website’s juice to your site, boosting its domain authority. I can get authority websites to link to yours by guest posting on those sites. The guest posts will contain links to your website, and the link will send some DA juice to your pages.

As your DA rises, Google will consider your website more authoritative and trustworthy. This will make the search engine more amenable to ranking your published content highly.

How to Pick the Right CBD Content Writer

The wrong cannabis/CBD content writer can do more damage to your website than good. Pick the right wordsmith for your CBD content writing by asking these questions:

How many articles can you deliver weekly?

If you have a new website and you want to get its domain authority up quickly, you have to publish high-quality content frequently and consistently. At least twice or thrice weekly. Choose a CBD content writer who can deliver as much content as you need within your desired frame and without skimping on quality.

How quickly can you write and deliver an article?

This question ties in with the former one. Some writers can deliver 3,000-word articles daily, while others will need a week to deliver a 3,000 word article. Most fast writers neglect quality to deliver quantity, but this isn’t true for every fast writer. I recommend having realistic turnaround expectations and picking a CBD writer who can deliver quality articles within your preferred timeframe.

How much do you charge?

You can find CBD writers who charge as little as 1 cent per word. This may sound like a bargain, but cheap content is usually of lesser quality. You can also find CBD writers who charge as much as 1 dollar per word. But being expensive doesn’t necessarily mean a writer is the best.

The perfect CBD writer for your project will fit your budget and have the bandwidth to deliver engaging, SEO content that enriches your website.

What’s your experience with hemp, cannabis, or hemp-derived products?

The perfect writer for your CBD content writing needs will have experience crafting the content type you want. The more experience a writer has, the better equipped they will be to complete your project to your satisfaction. Also, it helps if the writer has real-life experience using products like yours. They can draw on their past experiences to lend authenticity to their writing.

Is your expertise cannabis, CBD, THC, or marijuana content?

If you sell HHC and THC products, a writer with experience writing about CBD can handle your project. However, their expertise won’t be equal to a writer with actual experience writing about HHC and THC. In summary, choose a writer who understands your product and can authoritatively write about it.

What’s your English writing proficiency?

If your target audience is American, your CBD content writing should feature American English. Choose a writer who can deliver content in your target audience’s language without grammatical errors. Sentences and paragraphs should be easy to understand and engaging.

Can you provide samples of published CBD writing?

Before picking a wordsmith for your CBD content writing, ask candidates to provide published samples of CBD content they wrote. Alternatively, ask them to showcase their capabilities by writing a test article. It could be a paid or free test. It’s the fastest and easiest way to confirm if a candidate is a good fit for your CBD content writing needs.

Who Should Hire a Cannabis or CBD Content Writer?

Any business that engages in the production, sale, education, or distribution of hemp or hemp-derived products can benefit from hiring a CBD content writing professional. You could be one of the following:

  • Cannabis dispensary
  • Online cannabis business
  • Cannabis delivery business
  • Cannabis blog or magazine
  • Cannabis researcher
  • Cannabis informational website

It doesn’t matter if you sell bud, CBD flowers, CBD wax, CBD isolate, THCa, HHC, vapes, CBD cigarettes, or dabs. Working with a CBD content writer is a wise investment if you’re in the cannabis industry and showcase your brand or products with your website.

A cannabis/CBD writer will provide you with content tailored to boost your online visibility in search engine results. This will juice up your brand reputation and send more traffic and leads to your website.

Why not do your CBD content writing yourself or hire some cheap writer? A cannabis writer understands the industry and knows how to enlighten and compel readers without being salesy. If your content is too salesy and self-praising, it’ll turn off readers instead of converting them.

Also, CBD writers like myself possess research and fact-checking skills that ensure you publish only accurate content. Sharing inaccurate or misleading information on your website will negatively impact your reputation. Even worse, it may lead to legal consequences, such as lawsuits, or facing the wrath of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

How Much Does CBD Content Writing Cost? 

Two primary factors determine the cost of CBD content writing: the length of an article and the writer’s rates. Shorter articles typically cost less, but longer articles typically perform better in search engine result pages (SERPs). This is because longer articles contain more information, making them more authoritative and insightful.

When it comes to CBD writer rates, it varies between writers. For example, more experienced and skilled writers typically charge more. However, it’s money well-spent because the writer’s expertise equips them to deliver professional services and high-quality content.

If you’re on a tight budget, you’ll likely be tempted to hire a 2 cents per word writer or use a free AI content writer. Either of these options will provide you with content, but quality isn’t guaranteed.

An accurate analogy would be letting your brother-in-law fix your car for free. In the end, you’ll still need a real mechanic to fix your car and undo whatever mayhem your in-law wrought under the hood. So, why not just go with the equipped and experienced mechanic from the start?

cbd writer

Source: Facebook

Why Tobi Moyela @ HypeHelper for Cannabis and CBD Content Writing

What is your hemp business’ specialty? Is it THC, THCa, HHC, CBD, HHCP, or LGBT? Not kidding about the LGBT bit. There’s actually a profitable cannabis LGBT niche market.

Regardless of your niche, Tobi Moyela has you covered. I provide content writing aimed at curious hemp and cannabis consumers. You can count on me for well-researched articles that answer your target audience’s questions and convinces them to try your products.

My quality cannabis/hemp/CBD content writing incorporates SEO best practices from the start to ensure your content ranks well in search results. After you’ve approved a piece, I can publish it on your WordPress website. This makes me the ideal writer if you want the rewards of content writing without any of the hassle.

Here are links to some of my published hemp articles

My CBD Content Writing Steps

  • Keyword Research: I research your target audience to identify the keywords/search terms they use to find information or products from brands like yours.
  • Topic Ideation: I use the search terms to come up with interesting topics and write to answer your target audience’s search queries.
  • Content Strategy: I create a content plan to write and post content according to your chosen schedule.
  • Content Writing: I’ll then write the content to fully answer relevant target audience’s questions.
  • Images: I source and add images to each blog post to boost content relevance and engagement.
  • On-Page Search Engine Optimization: I optimize each content to ensure it ranks well in SERPs. My on-page SEO tactics include optimizing UX, internal linking, and organically adding keywords and related terms throughout the content.
  • Proofreading & Editing: Misspellings, grammatical errors, clumsy sentences, and misinformation spoil user experience. I identify and weed out such issues during proofreading.
  • Approve & Publish: You’ll review each content, and I won’t publish until you’re happy with it.

More Than Just Cannabis and CBD Writing

What I do goes beyond CBD writing. I partner with you to understand your brand, business goals, and target audience. With these insights, I can tailor my skills to deliver your desired results and blast you past your competitors. But don’t take my word for it. Check out the lovely things past clients have said about my work.

Take the first step to boosting your hemp business’ visibility, authority, traffic, and sales by contacting me today. We can schedule a call and get the blunt rolling from there

6 thoughts on “10x Your Web Visitors and Sales with Pro Cannabis and CBD Content Writing”

  1. Pingback: Can I Take CBD Before Work? Yay or Nay? - HypeHelper

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  4. Shelley Jarrell

    Superb layout and design, but most of all, concise and helpful information. Great job, site admin. Take a look at my website

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