
Is Smoking Weed a Sin? A Sinner Answers

is smoking weed a sin

No, smoking weed isn’t a sin. Your pastor, imam, or local shaman may have convinced you that anything worth enjoying is sinful – sex, weed, alcohol, and so forth. But that’s not true, which is why you’re conflicted, asking yourself, “is smoking weed actually a sin?”

I’m no holy leader, but I am a conscious sinner who’d like to make heaven. In this article, I’ll show you what my research of the big three holy books has to say about using weed. Read on and decide for yourself if using cannabis in any form is an affront to God.

Why Some Religions Consider Smoking Weed a Sin

Enjoyable things are addictive and can cause us to make dumb, selfish, myopic, irrational decisions. For instance, your mum told you to watch your siblings, but you want to play video games, which is far more fun.

You can’t play Mario Kart and watch your siblings at the same time. While your eyes are glued to the screen, Little Timmy might stick a fork into a wall socket or play with daddy’s revolver under the bed. Now Lil’ Timmy’s not breathing, mum’s wailing, and you’re in shock. Everyone’s blaming the devil and his instrument of distraction – the video game.

But the true sin here is you disobeyed your mum. The video game is innocent. Take responsibility for prioritizing video games over your duties and not waiting for a more appropriate time to play. This is the sin of slothfulness. A sloth procrastinates and avoids necessary work or responsibilities in favor of leisure activities.

Proverbs 24 mentioning the sin of sloth

The same logic applies to cannabis. It’s not a poison and it’s not physically addictive for most people. It’s basically an herb with health benefits. However, it does have the bonus effect of getting you high. While high, your decision-making isn’t at its best. And you may get addicted to this feeling.

Holy leaders want you living a chaste life, but constantly wanting to get high isn’t the path to chasteness. So, instead of telling you to smoke weed in moderation without abusing it, they tell you it’s a sin and admonish you to avoid it altogether. It’s the same reason certain Christian denominations denounce taking a sip of alcohol as sinful.

In short, like taking a sip of wine, using weed isn’t a sin. The true sin is using weed in excess. Becoming a full-time stoner with an addled mind. If you use weed to relax, improve sleep, or treat pain, you’re not sinning. But you’re if you abuse cannabis to the point of damaging your body and mind, forgetting to treat your body as a temple.

Don’t use weed gluttonously, and I believe God won’t frown upon you. You also won’t spoil your health, meaning you won’t commit the sin of maltreating your body (God’s temple). Lastly, you won’t get stupid high and fall into the pit of addiction or loss of self-control, which are fast tracks to a hedonistic, sinful life.

Is Smoking Weed a Sin in the Bible?

While the Holy Bible isn’t definitive about smoking weed being a sin, it does mention ways in which getting high can be sinful.

Weed causes psychoactive effects. These mind-altering effects are different from those of alcohol or opioids, but they nonetheless affect your behavior, thought process, and decision-making. Its psychoactive effects will affect these three faculties more intensely the higher you get.

For example, a sip of whisky before an exam or interview may steady your nerves, but downing a glass may negatively affect your performance. The same thing with weed – A small puff before an exam may reduce anxiety, but smoke a blunt, and you’ll likely get too high to score better than a “D.”

Proverbs 23:29 says, “Show me people who drink too much… and I will show you people who are miserable and sorry for themselves…” The keywords here are people who drink too much. The word of God doesn’t want you to fit this description, be it alcohol, weed, or food you imbibe in.

proverbs 23:29 answers is weed a sin

So, for the bible, the sin isn’t the act of smoking weed. It’s becoming a regular stoner that’s sinful. Being a frequent stoner leads you to commit other sins, such as:

  • Sloth: Experiencing couch lock, becoming lazy, and neglecting your work, home, or personal responsibilities.
  • Gluttony: Overindulgence or excessive consumption, like smoking too much or indulging in “the munchies” without moderation
  • Lust: Impaired judgment may lead to sexually impulsive or reckless behavior, including engaging in risky or adulterous activities.
  • Greed: You want more cannabis and may do anything to get it, including lying, stealing, or breaking the law.

The bible also states categorically in first Corinthians 6:10 that drunkards will not enter heaven. By that logic, stoners and other individuals who consistently imbibe mind-altering substances may also not enter heaven.

1 corinthians 6:10 answers is smoking weed a sin

Does this mean weed is a no-no for Christians? I don’t think so. If you’re not living that stoner life and haven’t made smoking weed your entire personality (shoutout to Snoop Dogg), your ticket to heaven should stay valid. But if you get high around the clock, abusing weed, being slothful and useless to everyone, including yourself, then St. Peter may disallow you from Jesus’ heaven.

Is Smoking Weed a Sin in the Torah?

Like the bible, the Torah doesn’t specifically denounce smoking weed. But it does warn against harming your body (Pikuach Nefesh). Picking up habits that may harm your body, which includes your mind, is a sin according to the Torah. So, you might be a naughty Jew if you smoke weed and hurt your lungs or get stupid high.

The Talmud also preaches Dina d’Malchuta Dina, which translates to obey the law of the land. The gist of it is breaking the law of the land is a sin. So, if you smoke weed in Kansas, Wyoming, or Idaho where cannabis is illegal, you have sinned.

Lastly, the Torah frowns upon taking substances that disrupt clear thinking and self-control.

is weed a sin according to the torah

As such, using cannabis to the point of intoxication and loss of moderation or caution may be sinful. Mind you, I say “may” because I am not Jewish. I’m simply pointing out what the Torah has to say on the matter.

Is Smoking Weed a Sin in the Quran?

Unlike the bible and Torah, the Quran is a bit clearer in its stance regarding intoxication and sin. Surah Al-Ma’idah 5:90 outrightly denounces all actions that may lead to intoxication, be it alcoholic beverages or mind-altering herbs. This also includes gambling, implying that anything that gets you overly excited may count as a sin in the eyes of Allah.

Surah An-Nisa 4:43 also warns against approaching prayer while intoxicated until you know what you are saying. In a nutshell, don’t pray while high.

However, some Islamic scholars have suggested that the Quran differentiates between using weed recreationally and medically. The argument is based on Sahih Bukhari 7:71:582, which states that there is no disease that Allah has created, except that He also has created its treatment. The point is Allah may have created cannabis as a solution to ailments, such as a pain reliever for those who need it.

But again, I am not Muslim. Speaking with your Imam may provide greater clarity regarding whether using weed is haram, halal, or mubah.

Is Smoking Weed Unethical?

Instead of taking a religious approach to questioning weed’s rightness or wrongness, you could take an ethical approach. An ethical approach leads to asking, “Is smoking weed morally acceptable or harmful?”

Morally acceptable means an action is accepted by society regardless of its sinfulness, but different societies have different values. For instance, dancing, listening to secular music, and wearing revealing clothing are sinful in certain circles, such as Islamic law (Sharia) states. But in most other societies, especially Western ones, no one bats an eye at such activities.

It’s the same with weed – in Amsterdam, no one bats an eye at you for smoking a blunt. California and several other U.S. states also welcome you to enjoy cannabis without repercussions (with some limitations of course).

Another way to take the moral approach is to ask yourself if using weed makes you feel bad or guilty. If it doesn’t, then you’re in the clear. But this might not be the best way to judge the correctness of cannabis use. After all, there are murderers, thieves, and rapists who feel zero guilt about the crimes they commit.

So, if you’re morally bankrupt, you aren’t in the best position to determine whether using weed is right or wrong.

Lastly, even if your society embraces weed use, excessive or irresponsible use may draw the ire of your community. For example, smoking weed in front of kids or staying high to the point of becoming a liability or danger to society. Using weed like this may lead to you being ostracized and weed demonized by society.

In summary, weed use may be morally okay if it’s socially acceptable and you use it responsibly without hurting yourself or anyone.   

What Major Religious Leaders Say About Weed

Several prominent religious personalities have shared their opinions about cannabis. Some consider it a one-way trip to hell, while others don’t consider it sinful. Here are some quotes that express the differing opinions of Christian and Muslim leaders.

Russell Moore, Preacher and President of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission:

Getting high on marijuana is similar to getting drunk… Ephesians 5:18 states, ‘Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.'”

Russell’s quote indicates his belief that alcohol and marijuana intoxication can impair judgment and spiritual clarity.

Rick Warren, an American Baptist Evangelical Christian Pastor:

Anything that controls you other than the Spirit of God is not something you need in your life.”

Pastor Rick believes intoxicating substances can lead to addiction or harm, making such substances unsuitable for Christians.

Pat Robertson, Televangelist and Host of the 700 Club:

I really believe we should treat marijuana the way we treat beverage alcohol. This war on drugs just hasn’t succeeded.”

Pat believes marijuana should be legalized to make it more socially acceptable and prevent abuse.

Imam Mohammad Elahi, Spiritual Leader of the Islamic House of Wisdom:

Obviously, smoking marijuana for fun is wrong… It should be permissible only if that is the only option in a medical condition prescribed by medical experts.”

Imam Mohammad believes using cannabis recreationally is sinful. Instead, it should be used for medical purposes only.

Rabbi Moshe Feinstein

A person is obligated to guard his health… And since drugs cause great damage to the body and the mind, it is forbidden to use them, even if it is just to feel good.”

Rabbi Moshi’s quote aligns with orthodox Jewish views that imbibing in anything that can damage your body is sinful. So, if cannabis use proves harmless, I guess that would take it off the list of sins.

Should You Consider Smoking Weed a Sin?

Smoking weed becomes a sin when you use it excessively, getting high recreationally and frequently. Such behavior leads to other sins, such as sloth, greed, gluttony, and more. Becoming such a person makes you a liability to yourself and society, and you lose wisdom and connection to God.

On the other hand, if you use weed to relax or treat pain or anxiety, I don’t believe that’s sinful. I believe that’s using God’s gifts to improve your life. It’s the same with eating – it’s not a sin to eat what you like. But it’s a sin to consume without self-control, to the point you damage your physical and mental health. As long as you don’t make this mistake with cannabis, I don’t think you’ve sinned.

It’s similar to questioning masturbation’s propriety. Is masturbating into a cup to donate semen a sin? I seriously doubt it. But what about masturbating before breakfast, before and after lunch, and again before bed, almost every day? That sounds like questionable, unrepentant, sexually gluttonous behavior that abuses your body and mind, which makes it sinful.

But then again, may be I’m playing devil’s advocate, looking for loopholes altar boys and gals can exploit to enjoy smoking a blunt.


Is smoking weed a sin?

The Bible doesn’t explicitly say smoking weed is a sin but warns against intoxication, implying recreational use may be sinful and medical use acceptable.

Can Christians smoke marijuana recreationally?

Smoking weed recreationally may be considered unchristian-like. However, smoking weed to improve your quality of life shouldn’t be sinful, unless you abuse it or it hurts your family or society.

Will you go to hell for smoking weed?

Nobody really knows if you’ll go to hell for smoking weed. But if weed use makes you feel guilty, then maybe that’s your soul telling you to stop.

Is smoking weed mentioned directly in religious texts?

Cannabis isn’t mentioned in the bible, Quran, or Torah. But these books do mention the harm and potential sinfulness of intoxication. If you frequently abuse weed to get high, you may be straying onto a sinful path.

Can you pray if you do weed?

Yes, but it’s best to pray when you aren’t high. While high, your mind and judgment become clouded, which may lead you to speak words that offend rather than please your maker.

What’s a non-sinful way to use weed?

Smoking weed may not be sinful if you use it for medical purposes, such as treating pain, anxiety, and other issues.

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